About The Rattle
Continuously published since 1912, The Rattle of Theta Chi is the Fraternity’s official magazine.
It is published two times per year- once in the summer and once in the winter. It contains a variety of stories pertaining to alumni and collegiate news, updates from the International Headquarters, and other topics of interest.
If you have any questions, or would like to submit a story, please contact the Editor of The Rattle, Ben Hill, at ben@thetachi.org.

Latest edition
*NEW* Access the latest Digital Rattle by clicking here. The online Digital Rattle offers links to additional content, the ability to share stories on social media, and many other features. You may also view a PDF version of the latest edition of The Rattle by clicking here.
If you experience difficulty with the Digital Rattle, please write rattle@thetachi.org.
Reading The Rattle online
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