The Resolute Man is Theta Chi's premier membership experience. It defines what membership in Theta Chi Fraternity truly means. It strives to guide our collegiate brothers to get the most out of their collegiate experience to best prepare them for life after graduation. Becoming a Resolute Man is a great honor for any Theta Chi.
Individual Track
This is an opportunity to take advantage of opportunities in your chapter, on campus, and in your community. You will distinguish yourself in the areas of leadership development, professional development, and The Assisting Hand.
Event Track
Theta Chi's Initiative Academy is an opportunity to work in a cohort group to focus on brotherhood, professional networking, and growing yourself as a leader.
Session 1: June 12-15, 2025
Session 2: July 10-13, 2025
Session 3: July 24-27, 2025
Experience Track
This is an immersive professional experience. You will have the opportunity to spend time with prominent alumni who are experts in their fields. You will have the chance to build relationships and connections and get a very real look into something that you have an interest or passion in pursuing after graduation.

Click here for FAQs on The Resolute Man.
Final Application Fee
In order to complete the process of becoming a Resolute Man, brothers must pay an administrative fee. Click here to do so.