The Helping Hand is the vision of this brotherhood, embodied through YOUR support of the Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi through tax-deductible giving. The Foundation Chapter serves to develop and provide financial resources to promote the academic, leadership, and service ideals of Theta Chi Fraternity.
We have all benefited from the friendships and opportunities afforded us through Theta Chi, which otherwise we would not have experienced. The traditions and ideals of our beloved Fraternity have shaped us into the men we are today.
The Helping Hand of our fraternal forefathers guides us through everyday life. We can easily forget the countless generations of brothers who gave their time, talent, and treasure--laboring for the welfare of Theta Chi. We too must pave the way for our future brothers through financial support of the Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi.
Your tax-deductible gift allows us to further the education of our collegiate brothers by providing low and no-cost leadership education and academic scholarships. After graduation, there are few times in your life where you receive any formal leadership training. We should be proud as men of Theta Chi for we are providing the only leadership education many of these young men will ever receive in their lifetime.
Join thousands of brothers in supporting Theta Chi collegians by Giving the Gift of Brotherhood. Make a tax-deductible gift to the Foundation Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity today!