We Are Theta Chi
Theta Chi is one of the oldest men’s college fraternities in North America. Founded in 1856, Theta Chi Fraternity is a men’s collegiate fraternity with more than 200,000 initiated members and has established 245 chapters. Theta Chi’s mission is to develop college-age men into successful students, good citizens, lifelong brothers, and resolute leaders.
Founded on the principle of friendship through the mutual assistance of every member, Theta Chi aims to provide its members with an enjoyable and fulfilling collegiate experience that also prepares them for rewarding, successful lives after graduation.
Our collegians are leaders on campus, in the classroom, and on the field. We invite you to learn more about who we are and what we do. Feel free to contact a member of our staff with any additional questions.

Fast Facts
- Founding Date: April 10, 1856
- Location of Founding: Norwich University (Norwich, VT)
- Founders: Frederick Norton Freeman and Arthur Chase
- Fraternity Colors: Military Red and White
- Magazine: The Rattle of Theta Chi
- Headquarters: Carmel, IN

Theta Chi Statistics
- Collegiate chapters installed since 1856: 244
- Collegiate members: approx. 8,700
- Active chapters: 157
- Official colonies: 3
- Headquarters staff members: 33

Theta Chi Fraternity's Statement on Human Dignity
Since its founding in 1856, Theta Chi Fraternity’s mission has been dedicated to developing Resolute Men. The Fraternity assists college-aged men to become outstanding sons, brothers, fathers, uncles, and models of male behavior in society. As such, Theta Chi Fraternity maintains every person is due respect and dignity regardless of race, creed, color, sex, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry. Kindness, common courtesy, and decency are fundamental to a free society.
Theta Chi condemns racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, classism, ableism, ageism, hazing, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and those who engage in reprehensible acts that dishonor Human Dignity. The Resolute Men of Theta Chi denounce any activities or actions that are degrading and/or demeaning to others. Members are expected to deal fairly, honestly, and respectfully with others by being empathetic, considering personal bias, and avoiding prejudice.
As an American institution, Theta Chi holds the belief that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Theta Chi believes in the freedoms and key concepts based in Human Dignity as outlined within the Bill of Rights. Anyone who denies the rights and liberty of others demeans Human Dignity and such actions are inexcusable.
Each brother shares the responsibility of preserving the dignity and rights of all brothers, pledges, and guests at all times. Theta Chi members are expected to follow the rules and policies of the Fraternity, their chapter, and all federal, state, and local laws. No member or pledge should be required, coerced, forced, or influenced in any way to do anything that would be fundamentally wrong or unbecoming of a member of Theta Chi Fraternity. Our Fraternity will not defend bad behavior and has and will continue to hold chapters and members accountable to Theta Chi’s standards.
As the Creed of Theta Chi states, we believe in Truth, Temperance, and Tolerance and we shall do all in our power to perpetuate the ideals of the Fraternity, thereby serving our God, country and fellow-man. Theta Chi Fraternity charges its members to live up to their oaths and obligations, to exemplify the ideals of the Fraternity, and to comport themselves in alignment with this statement of Human Dignity.
Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, and Sexual Harassment
The members of Theta Chi aspire to and are expected to live by high moral values, including having regard for all people as being worthy of respect. It is because of the adherence to such moral values that the members of Theta Chi reject and will not condone sexual assault, sexual misconduct, and harassment.