
If you are a collegian at a campus where Theta Chi Fraternity is not currently active,  Start an Interest Group Form 

If you are an alumnus looking to reopen your chapter, or to get involved with another expansion, please contact expansion@thetachi.org.

Expansion is the process by which a chapter is established or re-established on a college campus. At Theta Chi, expansion is managed by the International Headquarters staff with support from the Field Executives.

Expansion Criteria

When assessing prospective campuses for new or restarted chapters, Theta Chi must be selective. The Fraternity cannot afford to invest resources in failed projects, and it is unfair to founding members if they are not supported. When a campus is recommended, or identified by our expansion department, the Fraternity collects information in the following areas:

  • Strength of Institution/Greek Community
  • Likeliness of Campus Support
  • Collegiate Academic Performance
  • Alumni/Adviser Support Potential
  • Campus/Community Culture
  • Housing Viability
  • Overall Timing
Gamma Nu Reinstallation

If the campus is a viable candidate, a site visit is next step. There is great value in meeting with university administration, faculty and staff, potential members, area alumni and community members. All this effort is to determine if Theta Chi and the institution are in alignment.

After further consideration, a campus is then approved or denied as an prospect for expansion. If approved, negotiations with the university begin to take place. If multiple fraternities are interested in expanding, a presentation competition may occur to determine which fraternity will be asked to expand/recolonize. In other cases, such as a chapter closure, a timeline may be negotiated for a future date.

The entirety of this project can take months and even years. If you would like to refer a university please contact expansion@thetachi.org.

Iota Alpha Reinstallation 2

How does it work?

The expansion process is composed of three phases: interest group, colony and chapter:

  • Interest group: 1-9 members; a group of collegians who have indicated a serious interest in becoming a chapter
  • Colony: 10 or more members; a group of collegians who have formally pledged Theta Chi but who have not yet been granted a charter
  • Chapter: 50 or more members; a colony that has successfully submitted a petition for installation to the Grand Chapter and which has been granted a charter

Current Colonies

Delta Kappa/Ball State

Eta Delta/Babson

Eta Zeta/Edinboro

Zeta Omega/West Chester

York Colony

Recent Installations

Alpha Beta/Pittsburgh*

Gamma Mu/Bowling Green*

Gamma Nu/New Mexico State*

Gamma Sigma/Durham, NC*

Delta Epsilon/Miami (FL)*

Delta Rho/NC State*

Delta Upsilon/Arizona State*

Delta Phi/North Texas*

Epsilon Rho/Rider*

Zeta Alpha/Slippery Rock*

Zeta Omicron/Shippensburg*

Eta Alpha/Clemson*

Theta Nu/Rowan*

Iota Alpha/UNC-Wilmington*

Kappa Lambda/CSU-San Marcos

Kappa Mu/Point Loma Nazarene

Kappa Nu/Colorado

Kappa Xi/Albany

Kappa Omicron/Tennessee

Kappa Pi/Boston

*Indicates a reinstallation