
Published: September 13, 2013

Started in 2011 with the purpose is to inspire and equip the next generation of leaders, the Initiative Academy is designed to immerse the participants in the experience of leadership. The Initiative Academy engages participants in challenging, team-oriented exercises that provides the backdrop for tremendous learning and growth.

During the sessions, which are held every other year, educators and undergraduates live together in Greek housing for nearly three days. The educators will serve as mentors during The Initiative Academy. Near the end of the event, participants receive ballots and vote for the brother they think was the most exceptional leader during their session of the Initiative Academy.

This year, scholarships were made available to each of the brothers named as the "Leader Among Leaders" by an anonymous Theta Chi alumni donor in the amount of $175. In addition to the scholarship, the nominees also received a certificate.

The 2013 Initiative Academy Leaders Among Leaders are:

clientuploads/News 2/WOODLEE (1).jpg2013 - Session 1 - Gamma Class: Kyndl Woodlee, Zeta Rho/Kentucky 2016

"It actually came as a shock to me that I was nominated by my peers. I felt there were many others that seemed if not more fitting, then more deserving of the honor. That being said, it means the world to me that this group of impressive gentlemen felt that I best represented them as a leader. I am honored and feel as if the ball has just begun to roll for me as a leader and I have these guys to thank for helping me see that potential in myself."

2013 - Session 2 - Delta Class: Austin Holtshouser, Beta Zeta/Michigan State 2015

"Being nominated by my peers was a pretty awesome experience.  It is nice to be recognized as a leader by a group that I just met.  The leadership initiative was one of the best experiences of my life and I thank all my brothers who helped make that experience for me," said Holtshouser

2013 - Session 3 - Epsilon Class: William Maher, Delta Eta/Colorado State 2015

"It truly was an honor to be nominated for an award that encompasses leadership by a group of 50 plus amazing men. It was even more momentous considering that those men were not just my peers but my fraternal brothers in Theta Chi. All accolades aside I can't wait to bring back what I learned from the academy to my chapter," said Maher. 

 2013 - Session 4 - Zeta Class: Trevor Marchuk, Gamma Tau/Drake 2015

"it was an more than an honor to be recognized as being standout as a leader at a conference specifically designed for leadership. I can truly say that my time in the fraternity and at the Initiative Academy has given me a whole new perspective on how to be an effective communicator and consequently a better leader. I proudly display the award because I know that my brothers and peers in the Zeta class of the Initiative Academy were some of the most standout leaders anyone could have the pleasure of working alongside." 

Congratulations to these exceptional leaders! 

We look forward to hearing more about your efforts as leaders back at your chapters and at your Alma Maters!