
Published: March 6, 2025

Theta Chi Fraternity is deeply saddened to announce that former staff member Jacob J. Moore (Eta Gamma/Morehead 2021) joined the Chapter Eternal on February 27, 2025. 

Jacob served as a Growth Specialist from 2021 to 2022. During his time on staff, Jacob helped recolonize Alpha Upsilon/Nebraska and Delta Kappa/Ball State and helped rebuild the membership at Alpha Psi/Maryland. He facilitated sessions and workshops at a number of Amplify Theta Chi conferences as well as during the 165th Anniversary Celebration in Lexington, KY, and the 166th Anniversary Convention in Washington, D.C. He was a recipient of the IHQ Service Award and also received a Citation of Honor from the Eta Gamma Alumni Association. He was an Honorary Member of Kappa Omicron Chapter at the University of Tennessee.

Brother Moore graduated from Morehead State University with a Bachelor of Science in kinesiology with a minor in business. He served Eta Gamma Chapter as President, Vice President, and on numerous committees. On campus, Jacob was involved with Interfraternity Council and Pre-Physical Therapy Club.

Several colleagues, volunteers, and chapter brothers shared their memories of Jacob:

"Jacob was a natural born leader. His smile lit up the room and his charisma attracted others to follow him. Jacob guided Eta Gamma through the challenges of COVID, all while setting the chapter up for future success. He will truly be missed."  Past International President Darick Brown (Eta Gamma/Morehead 1989)

"Each morning, Jacob loved to pop in to my office, smile facetiously, and say, 'Ray, it’s a great day to be a Theta Chi.' He did it as a joke to annoy me, but it never truly annoyed me, because we would laugh, and because he said what we both knew to be true. That was Jacob’s genuine, positive attitude—it impacted us all then, and it will resonate with us always."  Chief Operations Officer Ray Valanot. 

"I never a left a conversation with Jake without a laugh. Jake was light hearted, thorough, and respected by everyone he worked with. He naturally took the lead in anything he participated in. Jake always had a high standard for himself and others around him. During our time together, Jake found a way to relate and impact Theta Chi brothers from across the county. Jake was the very first Growth Specialist to join our team and I'm incredibly thankful to not only have worked with him, but to have grown a friendship during our time together as well. Going to miss you Jake."Zack Brown, Former Sr. Director of Growth

"To know Jacob was to truly appreciate and love the man he was. His personality, his way to command a room, his energy when he was around - he truly was the embodiment of light in human form. He was a brother to many, a friend to all, and truly a man gone too soon. I am so honored to have been his brother, and so happy that many were able to be positively impacted by his spirit." Jermaine Merritt, Former Director of Growth 

"To know Jacob Moore was to love him. The life of the party and the friend we should all strive to be for one another. I will never forget what a blessing that truly was. Jacob never met a stranger and made people from all walks of life feel like family. I love my brother and owe him a lifetime of gratitude for what he's done for me as a person. Tell your friends you love them every chance you get." – Hayden Price (Eta Gamma/Morehead 2018)

"These past couple of days has given me time to really reflect on my time with Moore, and something came to mind that he passed down to me and my pledge class back in fall 2019. He taught us one simple quote, and it took me a while to really understand its meaning and the power behind it. 'From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it, and from the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.' Looking at how our brothers have come together since we've heard this tragic news has really shown his quote to be true. As an outsider you’ll never see just how special all that goes into this is, and as a member you’ll never be able to explain to someone how special it is if they’ve never experienced it. We’re all lucky to have known Moore and to call ourselves brothers or have close association to this Fraternity."Josh Mullins (Eta Gamma/Morehead 2023)

"Jake was my brother. There was never a time when I needed him that he wouldn’t have crossed Hell and high water to be there - no matter how big or small. He was the best kind of person you could ever hope to know, and I’m blessed I was fortunate enough to be so close to him. I wish everyone could have gotten to know Jake. He made the world better - every place he went. I’m going to miss him, but I know he’s watching over me still, just like he always has. He would always tell me to 'just pray about it.' He was funny and kind and fearless and I’ll never, ever forget him. I love you so much, brother. Till next we meet. Save me a spot up there."Former Growth Specialist Cody Cline (Eta Gamma/Morehead 2021)

"Jacob was a President of Eta Gamma Chapter and went on to work for Theta Chi IHQ. More importantly, he was a brother and a friend to all who knew him, and his loss leaves a huge hole in our hearts. The world is a little dimmer without that wonderful smile. Our prayers go out to his family, as we, as brothers, lean on one another for support. Personally, I ask that you reach out to someone today and tell them that you love them, as so many of us have had to do over the past several days." Chapter Adviser Glen Teager (Eta Gamma/Morehead 2011)

Brother Moore was a bridge builder for us. Let us now go forth continuing to build bridges for those who will follow. Fly high, Jacob.

You can read Brother Moore's full obituary here.