In Memoriam: Dr. Clive R. Hallman, Jr. (Eta Kappa/James Madison 1970)
In 1964, Dr. Clive R. Hallman, Jr. joined the faculty and became a professor of history at Madison College, an all-women’s college in Harrisonburg, VA. Within a few years, votes made in the Virginia legislature would create major change: In 1966, Madison College was made coeducational and in 1968, Frederick College in Portsmouth, VA, was closed. The closing of Frederick College caused many of its students to transfer to Madison, including 13 who were part of a local fraternity called Phi Alpha Pi.
The men of Phi Alpha Pi quickly reorganized on the Madison campus and began recruiting. As the fraternity established itself, the question of going national arose and the group ultimately selected to affiliate with Theta Chi Fraternity. During this time, the men befriended their history professor and asked him to serve as an adviser and ultimately asked him to join them in initiation into the brotherhood of Theta Chi. Clive Hallman was initiated by brothers at Xi/Virginia alongside the original interest group members on December 6, 1970, and assigned Roster Number 14.

Throughout the years since Eta Kappa’s Installation in 1972, Dr. Hallman dutifully served as the chapter’s faculty adviser and provided guidance to the young fraternity. He was there as the group moved from house to house in Harrisonburg. He was there when the group settled into a new chapter facility on James Madison University’s new Greek Row. He was there as the chapter grew and he was there when the men became a dominant force on the campus.
In the meantime, Dr. Hallman established himself as an expert on the history of Colonial Virginia and the Old South, teaching classes each semester and even offering educational trips to Williamsburg to unearth the true history and stories. Brothers would take his classes thinking it would be easier than a different course but were caught off guard by the academic rigor needed to fulfill his requirements. They’d sit rapt at attention as he told stories and questioned if someone was truly a ‘Virginian’ and then find themselves hard at work to impress their professor – their brother.
When violations of safety standards led to the closure of Eta Kappa in 1989, Dr. Hallman remained an active alumnus and stayed in touch with key alumni and other members. He stored the chapter’s composites and other materials. Just a few short years later, when a new group of men emerged wanting to bring Theta Chi back to JMU, they asked Dr. Hallman to serve as an adviser and he rose to the task and again admirably performed his duties and again assisted the group in their goal to earn a charter.
Throughout the ups-and-downs of the following decades, Dr. Hallman was again there dispensing advice, wisdom, and counsel. He hosted countless dinners – homecooked meals – for the brothers and listened to challenges and achievements while gently guiding members to make better choices. Always quick with a joke, a pearl of wisdom, or if we said something too outlandish, he’d just shake his head and say, “Oh, Lord…”

After another adviser moved away from JMU, Dr. Hallman again returned to attending weekly chapter meetings at the young age of 75 and continued to do so as the chapter faced another challenge. He again stored all of the chapter’s materials as another young group emerged to fix the mistakes of the past. He was a source of inspiration and guidance to men fifty years his junior.
Dr. Hallman was the consummate southern gentleman. Quick-witted yet slow speaking, he shared stories of the past in his southern accent with fatherly and then-grandfatherly wisdom. He taught us hospitality as he invited us into his home for dinners and to host chapter events. He learned the names of each member and stayed in touch with so many over the years. Dr. Hallman was a constant at Eta Kappa. Everyone knew him and he knew everyone.
He was a recipient of the Alumni Award from Eta Kappa Chapter in 2001, of the Duane Deal Chapter Adviser of the Year Award from the International Fraternity in 2006, and, during Eta Kappa’s 40th-anniversary celebration, he was presented the Earl D. Rhodes Theta Chi for Life Award.
Over 40 years of service as a dedicated chapter adviser. Forty years of dealing with us and our problems and challenges, yet he was always there, extending a Helping Hand.
He was our professor. He was our adviser. He was our mentor. He was our brother.
Rest in Peace, Dr. Hallman. We thank you for your wisdom and counsel and example of Theta Chi for Life.

Clive Raymond Hallman, Jr. died Monday, Nov. 28, 2022. Born Oct. 26, 1930, in Douglas County, Ga. to Clive Raymond Hallman, Sr. and Annice Pope Hallman, Clive was raised in Douglasville, Ga., and attended schools there. He attended Young Harris College and graduated from Berry College with a degree in history. He went on to earn a master’s degree at Appalachian State University and a doctorate from the University of Georgia. He taught at Berry College and at Staunton Military Academy before joining the history department at Madison College now James Madison University in 1964, teaching classes in U.S., Southern, Virginia, and Colonial history. He excelled in the classroom and mentored countless students over nearly half a century. His knowledge, enthusiasm, and encouragement helped students to develop a passion for history with many continuing their studies to become practicing teachers and scholars themselves. Equally, at home in a lecture hall or seminar setting, he also created the university’s first off-campus summer course in Williamsburg. Offered annually for more than three decades, the course explored 18th-century life and customs and was the institution’s first public history offering.
Clive’s classes were always filled and his office was always open to his students. His thoughtfulness helped many to complete their degrees when they were otherwise discouraged. He was patient and kind to students and always placed their learning and best interests above all else.
Clive Hallman set up and endowed an undergraduate fund through the JMU Foundation to support student travel to research collections off campus and to present their work at undergraduate conferences. Through the years he built one of the nation’s best undergraduate programs in Colonial history and his students competed favorably at the best graduate programs in the nation. Many remained in contact throughout his life and all valued his efforts on their behalf as well as his friendship.
Beyond the university, Dr. Hallman served his community and region throughout his life. He remained active in the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society, Fort Harrison, and the Frontier Culture Museum. He served in leadership positions in each and was also an active volunteer.
He was a devoted and proud uncle to his nieces and nephews sharing his stories, advice, and wit with them as well. They lovingly called him “Junie.” His parents and brother, Harold Hallman, precede him in death. He is survived by Chris and Ruth Hallman, Mary Douglass Hallman and Catherine Hallman of Savannah, Ga.; Laura and Brad Smith, Caroline Smith of Carrollton, Ga.; Carter Smith and Dr. Savannah McKenzie of Knoxville, Tenn.; Rick and Anita Hallman of Cape Coral, Fla.. as well as many devoted friends and students.
A memorial service is planned for spring 2023. Those wishing to remember Clive may give to the Clive R. Hallman Undergraduate Scholarship Award, c/o JMU Foundation, MSC 8501, 1013 Harrison St., Harrisonburg, VA 22807.