
Published: June 17, 2024

Editor’s Note: The following profile features Ronnie Bell (Delta Kappa/Ball State 2011) recalling his Theta Chi experience. 

Q: Did you have any interest in Greek life prior to meeting the Theta Chis?

A: I didn't. Much of what I understood of fraternities came from caricatures from the media, with movies like Animal House. A friend on my floor in the dorms, Shaun Dolbeare (2010), introduced me to some guys from his hometown who were Theta Chis. After meeting some of the brothers, my preconceived notions started to fade and I realized that being in a fraternity was something I could be a part of. I realized it was a group of guys committed to supporting each other in community and making each other better people through shared values. That was something I could really vibe with.

Q: Did your family give you any grief for joining Theta Chi and not a historically Black fraternity?

A: No, not really. I did from other folks though. The tricky thing is that most people assume when you're Black that you'll join a Divine 9, historically Black fraternity. That's still sometimes the case when people ask me today if I "went Greek" in college. It can be a little awkward still. I've gotten over the need to over-explain and I just let the friendships and brotherhood that I've formed speak for itself. The bonds of brotherhood transcend the man-made boundaries of race and culture.

Q: What is one of your fondest memories as a collegiate brother?

A: We raised money for Riley Children's Hospital through a philanthropy event called Waterdaze. Even though it was a lot of work it was a blast. And it raised money for a good cause.

Q: Did you attend any International/regional events?

A: Only MYLC when it was hosted at Ball State. But I'd love to attend an International Convention at some point.

Q: How active have you been as an alumnus?

A: Some, but I'd love to be more active. Our chapter has gone through some difficulties and had to leave campus for a while but has recently started the process of returning as a colony. I've attended alumni events and am hoping to be a presence that the younger guys can connect with.

Q: What’s the biggest lifelong takeaway that you have thus far from your Theta Chi experience?

A: The Greek meaning of Theta Chi is the "Assisting Hand." I love the idea of "extending a Helping Hand to all who seek it" from our Creed and I love the way the virtues of Truth, Temperance and Tolerance have stuck with me through college and my adult life. Theta Chi has simply made me a better person.

Q: What did you study vs. what are you doing now professionally?

A: I was an economic / history major. It'd probably be a surprise to many people, but I'm actually an ordained United Methodist minister. A lot of what I picked up in philanthropy and service in the Fraternity sticks with me on a daily basis.

Q: Is there a piece of advice you’d give to a younger Theta Chi?

A: I'd say to stay in contact with your brothers, even when life gets busy after graduation. You share so much of life together as Theta Chis that when you reach out, you often just pick up where you left off. It's a beautiful thing really, Theta Chi is for life