Published: April 10, 2015

2015 Founders Day Message

APRIL 10, 2015

Dear Brothers and Friends of Theta Chi:

Birthdays are always special - they mark a day on each year’s calendar that you, and perhaps others, take a moment to reflect back on the past year and often the entire history of the life you have led so far.

As we all know April 10th marks the 159th Birthday of Theta Chi Fraternity....A Birthday that holds great significance to each of us who have been blessed to be a part of this incredible brotherhood of men.

The past year of our organization has been one of truly amazing growth and prosperity. We continue to see more and more young men join our ranks and share in the values of our Founders. This, in itself, brings a great deal of satisfaction to each of us. It unconditionally states that those values still have a place in today's society and in the minds and hearts of college and university men across North America. It also perpetuates an ideal of how men conduct themselves not only in an educational environment but also as they live their lives as husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, and friends.

As we collectively share this moment of reflection on Friday, April 10th, 2015, it is important to reflect on our history as an organization as well. Those who have gone before us, those whose influence on our lives still brings a special warmth to our hearts and a smile on our face. Our history tells a remarkable story of men who have led by example, who have fought and died for what they believe in, and whose influence on the world is felt everyday somewhere, someplace, and somehow. We as brothers living around the globe thank them for their sacrifice, their wisdom, and their accomplishments.

As each Birthday occurs there also dawns a new beginning for history to be written. We share in remembering the history of those brothers who have entered the Chapter Eternal and celebrate the birth of those who are yet to join our ranks. Our history and yes, our yet-to-be-experienced story, are a compelling reflection, and a vision for the future that continues to mirror life...exciting, difficult, intriguing, warm, loving, complicated, and yet ever hopeful.

So here is to you, Theta Chi Fraternity..."America's BEST Fraternity" - - - Happy 159th Birthday...and Best Wishes for many, many, more.

Warm Fraternal Regards,


Richard D. Elder

National President